
閥件及噴槍 Valve & Spray Gun

接頭,管件 Fitting&Tubing

Hardy Instruments 秤重控制器/( Weighing Control/Scale)

晶舟盒/晶圓盒 FOUP,FOSB,Wafer Cassette,Shipper,Trays

管件接頭工具 Tubing Tools

二手Wafer Cassette 晶舟盒

液體過濾器 Mykrolis liquid filter

氣體過濾器、純化器、擴散器Gas Filter, Gas Purifier,Diffuser

金屬晶舟 Metal Cassette & FOUP Purge Station


半導體、食品、生醫級金屬閥門Metal Valve

分封環 O-ring

氣體純化器PPM Grade Purifier / PPM Level Purifier

NexPore Filter


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  回首頁 / 產品介紹 / 氣體過濾器、純化器、擴散器Gas Filter, Gas Purifier,Diffuser
產品名稱:Aeronex Gas Purification Systems 氣體純化器
產品名稱:Aeronex Gas Purification Systems 氣體純化器 | 點閱次數:2768 | 加入時間:2007/7/26 上午 12:55:39
Aeronex Gas Purification Systems
Models shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual models may vary from those shown above.Infinity Gas Purification Systems are stand-alone systems offering in-situ regeneration with advanced controls.
The dual-bed design guarantees a continuous supply of pure gas so there is no need to send a purifier back for regeneration or to install an expensive replacement cartridge. More importantly,
there is no need to interrupt your process. The pre-programmed controller knows when to switch to the fresh purifier and when to regenerate the other.
Dual-bed self-regenerating system•
Delivers a continuous supply of pure gas at sub-ppb levels•Removes H2O, O2, CO, CO2, and non-methane hydrocarbons to less than 1ppb•Generate UHP H2, NH3, XCDA(R) Purge Gas & Inert gases•
Ambient temperature purification technology•Low utility requirements•Lowest cost-of-ownership•
Low pressure drop•No damage due to power outages•Certified to CE and SEMI S2 Standards

H Series for Hydrogen Gas Purification (for use with H2)
I Series for Inert Gas Purification (for use with N2)*
SK Series for Hydride Gas Purification (for use with NH3)
Z Series for CDA Purification [for use with CDA (air)]
N Series for Non-Reactive Gas Purification (for use with O2 and synthetic air)

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