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氣體過濾器、純化器、擴散器Gas Filter, Gas Purifier,Diffuser
產品名稱:Aeronex GateKeeper Gas Purifiers 氣體純化器
產品名稱:Aeronex GateKeeper Gas Purifiers 氣體純化器 | 點閱次數:2182 | 加入時間:2007/7/26 上午 12:49:41 圖片簡介: Aeronex GateKeeper Gas Purifiers GateKeeperR point-of-use purifiers from Mykrolis offer maximum flow rates from 1-60 slpm and integrated particle filtration. Designed for point-of-use gas purification at the tool or in the gas box, GateKeeper purifiers are cost-effective ways to prevent contamination of the process or damage to the tool. GateKeeper area and bulk purifiers offer maximum flowrates from 100-40,000 slpm. Applications include multi-tool purification, facility purification, Corrosive (C) Series Hydrogen (H) Series Inert (I) Series Carbon Monoxide (LK) Series Non-Reactive (N) Series Optics™ (O) Series Hydride (SK)* Series 200M The Entegris gatekeeper purifier 是應用在線上型 point-of-use (POU)的氣體純化. | 相關訊息:前往原廠網站連結 | |