
閥件及噴槍 Valve & Spray Gun

接頭,管件 Fitting&Tubing

Hardy Instruments 秤重控制器/( Weighing Control/Scale)

晶舟盒/晶圓盒 FOUP,FOSB,Wafer Cassette,Shipper,Trays

管件接頭工具 Tubing Tools

二手Wafer Cassette 晶舟盒

液體過濾器 Mykrolis liquid filter

氣體過濾器、純化器、擴散器Gas Filter, Gas Purifier,Diffuser

金屬晶舟 Metal Cassette & FOUP Purge Station


半導體、食品、生醫級金屬閥門Metal Valve

分封環 O-ring

氣體純化器PPM Grade Purifier / PPM Level Purifier

NexPore Filter


石英鹵素燈/ 紅外線加熱燈

  回首頁 / 產品介紹 / 氣體過濾器、純化器、擴散器Gas Filter, Gas Purifier,Diffuser
產品名稱:AERONEXR PAC™ PPT Analyzer
產品名稱:AERONEXR PAC™ PPT Analyzer | 點閱次數:1737 | 加入時間:2007/7/26 上午 12:45:43
AERONEXR PAC™ PPT Analyzer Cart Hydrocarbons and refractory compounds can cause serious damage to DUV optical components. Levels as low as 10ppt are considered to be potentially damaging. Until now, it has been difficult to measure the amount of contaminants in a process gas as well as the location of contaminant leaks in a manufacturing process.
AERONEX has developed a portable analytical instrument that aids in determining actual contaminant loads. The PAC™ Part-Per-Trillion Analyzer Cart can measure down to part-per-trillion levels in CDA and compressed inert gas mixtures while also monitoring ambient air.
AERONEX offers the PAC as both a product and an on-site service operated by AERONEX engineers at your facility.
Measures contaminants to sub-ppt levels
Immediate and on-site analysis of contaminants
Measures multiple organics and inorganic compounds (including hydrocarbons, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds)
Fully automated sampling; No cross contamination
Portable cart may be relocated to another location within a facility easily
Measures contaminants in CDA, Inert gases, H2, CO2, and ambient air
The Entegris gatekeeper purifier 是應用在線上型 point-of-use (POU)的氣體純化.

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