產品名稱:AERONEXR GAS PURIFICATION SYSTEM Z2 SERIES CDA純化系統 | 點閱次數:1792 | 加入時間:2010/12/7 上午 10:07:06 圖片簡介: Z2 media purifies to sub-ppt levels Removes gaseous contaminants such as SO2, SOX, NOX, H2S, H2O, CO2, siloxanes, ammonia, amines, acid gases, alcohols and non-methane hydrocarbons to sub-ppb levels in CDA (air) gas Self-regenerating purifiers provide the lowest cost of ownership and eliminates environmental concerns Complete automatic operation saves time, increases reliability System runs at ambient temperature and is field retrofittable into existing lines with low pressure drop Systems rated for up to 5000 SLM, 10000 SLM, 15000 SLM, or 20000 SLM pure gas flow *Industries --Compound Semiconductor (HBLED) --Data Storage --Flat Panel Display --Semiconductor *Applications --Facilities --Photolithography --Scanner --Ultrapure Water (UPW) --Wet Etch and Clean 氣體純化器系統適用於氣體純化 |