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氣體過濾器、純化器、擴散器Gas Filter, Gas Purifier,Diffuser
產品名稱:Extraction Vaporsorb® II Lithography Track Chemical Air
產品名稱:Extraction Vaporsorb® II Lithography Track Chemical Air | 點閱次數:979 | 加入時間:2007/7/26 上午 12:04:07 圖片簡介: Extraction Vaporsorb® II Lithography Track Chemical Air Extraction Systems Inc. VaporSorb II Rooftop Lithography-Chemical Air Filters feature a unique filtration media, which offers superior protection against the full range of Total Molecular Base (TMB) gas phase contaminants. These high-performance filters have been shown to remove airborne molecular ammonia and organic amine contaminants effectively and to reduce the discharge of amines to the subpart- per-billion range.
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