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液體過濾器 Mykrolis liquid filter
產品名稱:Planarcap LPX and Planarcap TPX ™ Disposable Filters 拋棄式濾心
產品名稱:Planarcap LPX and Planarcap TPX ™ Disposable Filters 拋棄式濾心 | 點閱次數:3524 | 加入時間:2007/7/22 下午 12:57:16 圖片簡介: Planarcap LPX and Planarcap TPX ™ Disposable Filters Planarcap filters provide high retention, long life and application specific technology to CMP filtration Planarcap disposable filters are constructed of pleatedpolypropylene depth media. The LPX series is specifically designed to meet the challenges of Silica and Aluminaabrasives typically used for Oxide CMP and Copper CMP applications. The TPX series is specifically designed forceria applications that typically have smaller abrasiveparticles at lower concentrations. 半導體濕製程過濾器 精密化學液過濾器 | 相關訊息:前往原廠網站連結 | |