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液體過濾器 Mykrolis liquid filter
產品名稱:QuickChangeR 1000, 1500, 3000 Disposable Filters
產品名稱:QuickChangeR 1000, 1500, 3000 Disposable Filters | 點閱次數:1044 | 加入時間:2007/7/20 下午 07:38:51 圖片簡介: QuickChangeR 1000, 1500, 3000 Disposable Filters Eliminates prewetting and flushing cycles. Eliminates chemical usage while reducing system downtime during filter changeouts. Saves time, greatly increases equipment uptime High-purity connections avoid potential sources of contaminationM/LI> Provides excellent small particle retention to ensure minimal particles remain on wafer surface Requires less space for changeout. Minimizes downtime and simplifies changeout Allows quick installation and minimizes downtime while limiting the handling of hazardous chemicals during the installation and disposal processes, thereby promoting a more healthy workplace 半導體濕製造過滤器 精密化學液過滤器 | 相關訊息:前往原廠網站連結 | |