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液體過濾器 Mykrolis liquid filter
產品名稱:Guardian Plus HPM ™ Cartridge Filters 過濾器
產品名稱:Guardian Plus HPM ™ Cartridge Filters 過濾器 | 點閱次數:1239 | 加入時間:2007/7/20 下午 07:08:03 圖片簡介: Guardian Plus HPM ™ Cartridge Filters High Membrane Surface Area Guardian Plus HPM-- filters have improved pleating to increase the membrane area within the cartridge filter, providing for high flow rates even with ultrafine particle retention. Patented hydrophilic UPE Membrane spontaneously wets--Eliminates prewetting and flushing. Saves time at changeout. Does not dewet in outgassing fluids. Increases equipment uptime. Provides longer life, more efficient filtration. High retentive membrane -- Superior downstream cleanliness Large membrane area -- Enables high flow in chemical delivery systems. Superior wettability -- Eliminates prewetting, reducing chemical usage while reducing system downtime during filter changeouts http://www.mykrolis.com/catalogue.nsf/docs/M1116. 半導體濕製程過滤器 精密化學液過濾器 | 相關訊息:前往原廠網站連結 | |