產品名稱:纖維吸附式乾燥機 操作原理
產品名稱:纖維吸附式乾燥機 操作原理 | 點閱次數:305 | 加入時間:2021/6/7 上午 10:40:18 圖片簡介: 纖維吸附式乾燥機 操作原理: 本纖維吸附式乾燥機由兩組纖維管組(A、B二區)所構成,藉由A區進行纖維吸水程序(纖維吸附), B區進行纖維排水程序(纖維再生)。當A區纖維吸附飽和後,則切換至B區進行纖維吸水程序(纖維吸附),此時A區則進行纖維排水程序(纖維再生)。,兩者交替切換程序,藉以連續不間斷地產生低露點之乾燥壓縮空氣。 Operating principle: The Fiber Desiccant Dryer comprises of two fiber columns, one column is in dehumidification, the other is in regeneration. When the one column finishes dehumidification, then is switched to regeneration procedure. The two columns alternate with each other to continuously produce very low dew point dry compressed air, please refer to figure on the left side. | |